Worse than Unrequited

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. Things were going well. They will again. But now I just have to get over a broken heart.

There’s a guy that I love. Truly. Deeply. In a way that I have never, ever even thought I was capable. He says he loves me too. He told me he wanted to be with me. He told me that I completed him. He told me that if we lived in the same city, that we would be together.

Turns out not to be the case. He says he doesn’t want to hurt me. He says that he can’t give 100%. He says he still loves me, but we should just be friends. That hurts me MORE than unrequited love. I wish he would just tell me that he doesn’t love me. I wish he would tell me that he just said ask those things to me because he didn’t think there was ever a real possibility we would live in the same city. I wish he would just cut the cord. Sever us completely.

Because I can’t be just his friend. I can’t see him and not think of all the things I want that he is unable and unwilling to give. I can’t put myself through that. It would be torture.

So I think I’m losing a friend. And he’s taking a pretty big piece of my heart with him.

Maybe one day that piece will grow back.

So begins day one of starting over again, again.

Chicago, Almost 2 Weeks In…

So I’ve been in Chicago almost 2 weeks, and am much happier here. It’s had it’s ups and downs, but I’m falling in love with Chicago, and the new job is much better.

I think I may lose a friend tonight, but it happens. I wanted him to be more than a friend, and some promises were made and broken on his end in that regard. I hope to keep him as friend, but my intuition is telling me that I may never see him again after tonight, when I swing by his place to pick up a couple of boxes I had mailed to his house while moving.

It’s always sad to lose someone, even as just a friend. I hope it doesn’t happen that way. He’s been a good friend to me, and has helped me a lot in the last 6 months to get through a huge transition in my life. I’ll always appreciate that no matter what happens tonight. I told him yesterday that I needed to put him in the right place in my head and heart. He promised me we’d stay friends. But he’s not kept up his end with other things he’s said to me. I want to count on him to continue to be there for me as a friend, but I’m not getting my hopes up.

Sometimes people come back into your life at the right when you need them most, and then leave again when you don’t need them so much anymore. I guess I’ll find out tonight if he’s going to be one of those people.

The good news is that I feel like I may have left the worst of the depression in Hawaii. I feel much more emotionally stable here. I still have moments of sadness, but I’m no longer crying randomly. I think it’ll continue to get better as I make more friends here and begin to establish a future here. My future is looking bright.  🙂

Yay Universe!

The universe has heard my rant! I just accepted a job in Chicago that starts on Monday.  Getting out of Hawaii in 5 days, including getting rid of all of the stuff in my apartment will be a feat, but I’ll get it done! I’m sooooooo very excited for this new venture.

I’m burning some bridges at my old job. They are not happy with the 4 day notice, but I just don’t care. It’s what I need to do for me, to gain back the control and happiness in my life. Hopefully this will help me keep the depression I’ve been fighting off away for good.

I’m going to freeze my butt off. Current temperature in Hawaii at midnight, 80F. Current temperature in Chicago…6F.


This weekend, I’m going to be talking to someone about a possible job in Atlanta in June. At first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Atlanta, I don’t know much about Atlanta, I’ve driven through it once, and been through the airport many times, but haven’t spent any actual time in the city.

The idea is growing on me though. I’ve been looking at Atlanta, and I think I could have a lot of fun there. It’s only an 8 hour drive to my hometown in MO, so I’d be able to see my family more than once a year.

Since the Atlanta airport is an international hub, it’ll be super easy to travel to Europe during my time off. That’s always a bonus! And there are lots of places nearby to explore.  I’ve always wanted to wander through Savannah.

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think Atlanta would be a good place for me. It will depend on the phone call this weekend. Hopefully there’ll be some good news there.  I’m sending out positive energy that way!

The 80’s Make a Comeback

I went on a run yesterday evening by where I work, just to change things up a bit. It’s a nice change of scenery, and for some reason I run that route faster than the one that is about the same distance near where I live.

As I ran by an elementary school, I could see and hear that something was going on in the gym. And then I noticed this sign hanging on the school fence:


I had no idea people still did Jazzercise. I remember it being popular in the late 80’s when I was a kid, but it’s still around? I’m intrigued. I might need to do some research on this. I kind of want to go to a Jazzercise class now…

Coming Full Circle

In my adult life, I’ve never been an overly emotional person. I never let things get to me. I rarely cried (until recently, ugh). I thought I was a basically happy person. But maybe I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with emotion now because I somehow opened the emotional floodgate that I closed a long time ago.

I remember exactly when I closed it too. It was intentional, though at the time I didn’t mean for it to be permanent, or long term. A week before my 19th birthday, my dad died of lung cancer, August 31, 1998. I was at college, 675 miles from home. When I left home to drive back to college at the beginning of August, I knew it was the last time I would see him. I specifically remember telling him that I loved him. I wanted to make sure I told him that. A few weeks later, I got a call in my dorm from my Aunt, telling me he had passed away. I watched the movie My Girl that evening, and cried over the loss of my father.

The following morning, I drove myself to the airport to fly back home for the funeral. None of my college friends knew my dad had cancer. I didn’t tell anyone, because I didn’t want their pity. At the airport was the last place I remember really crying. My aunt had called the airline and bought the ticket for me to come home. When I got to the counter to get the ticket and check in for the flight, the lady at the counter said that I needed to present her with the credit card used to buy the ticket. I started crying, told her why I was flying home and why I didn’t have the credit card. She marked it down as a bereavement flight and got me my ticket.

Another aunt picked me up from the airport and took me home. My mom seemed to be doing okay. Like me, I think she had prepared herself for this. My brother wasn’t doing as well. He wasn’t crying or being overly emotional, but I could just tell that he wasn’t okay. He was much closer to my dad than I had been. My dad worked nights my entire childhood, and I only really ever saw him at dinner on weekends. He spent most of his weekends in his work shed, making things out of wood. My brother would spend time with him there, but I wasn’t really into tools and sawdust. The time I spent with my dad was fewer and farther between.

He did teach me to drive though, a memory I will always have with me. He wasn’t much of a talker, so he just explained the basics and then took me on some back roads outside of town to practice. There was no shoulder on the road, and every time a car would come the opposite direction, I would nudge over to the right, afraid I was too close to the oncoming traffic. He never said a word, but eventually I was moving over to the right far enough that he pulled his arm in from the window, and then started leaning towards me. He was concerned I was going to take out a mailbox!

It was just after I got my license that he learned he was sick. My new driving skills were used a couple of times to drive him to the hospital to have fluid drained from his lungs so that he could breathe easier. He tried to quit smoking, but failed, having smoked for about 30 years.

My parents drove down to Mobile, AL with me to take a tour of the college I wanted to attend. We had to stop once so that my mom could give my dad a shot. I don’t even know what the shot was for, but he was undergoing chemo at the time. He had already lost some weight at that point.

I graduated high school at 17. One of the last happy pictures I have with my dad is at my graduation. He hated large groups of people and rarely came to school events. I was thrilled he came. Just before my 18th birthday, I headed off to college. A little over a year later, he was gone.

At the funeral is when I closed the floodgates. I was with my mom and brother when we went up to view the body. My mom and brother were both crying, and my mom squeezed my hand, really tight. That was the moment. I decided to be the strong one, for them. Someone needed to hold us together, I thought.

I didn’t cry at the funeral. I have rarely cried since. Only movies involving animals dying would make me cry. (Hachi. What a terrible movie to play for a bunch of people on a plane to vacation on Maui.) But now I seem to have opened the floodgate. I suppose it’s a good thing. I need to let my emotions be felt, and be free. But currently I feel like I’m drowning in them. I know I just need to navigate through the white waters to the calmer, steadier flow below. I’ll get there, it just takes time.

Having this happen when I’m in a place where there isn’t anyone who really knows me, where none of my friends are, has been hard. Thankfully, my best friend of 20 years, whom I haven’t spoken with much in the last few years, has reconnected with me, at a time when it seems like we both need it. We are helping each other through the rough patches we find ourselves in. At the beginning of May, we are even taking a two week trip to Europe, just the two of us. It’s something to look forward to, and something I really need. To reconnect with my roots, remember where I came from.

The next time I’m in my home town, I plan to go and visit my father’s grave. It’s been 16 years since he died, and I have never been to his grave. I’ve been home plenty of times, and passed by the cemetery plenty of times, but never gone in.

I think it’s time to come full circle.

Facing Reality

The other day, I had to face a reality that I knew was there, but thanks to facebook, it became visible to me.

Here’s the back story. I have an ex with whom I have remained friends with after we broke up. We dated in Los Angeles back in 2007, and broke up because he had to return to his hometown due to family illness. Not wanting a long distance thing, we ended it. I’ve talked to him off and on throughout the years since.

When I broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years in August, I talked to him about it. He told me that he still had feelings for me. He made plans to come visit me in Hawaii over New Years. We had a great time during his visit. He told me he thought I was his true love, and that he hoped I could move to where he lives so that we could give it another shot.

And man, do I love him. He is the exact opposite of the ex I broke up with in August. But moving to his city is a long shot for me. There simply aren’t very many job opportunities for what I do in the city he lives in. I keep looking, but so far, nothing has come up. I can’t move there without a job.

A couple of weeks ago, he told me that he had met someone he really liked, and was going to go on a date with her, give her a chance. Ouch. I understand. I can’t expect him to wait around indefinitely for me. But a couple of days ago, he posted a picture of her at dinner on facebook, saying how lucky he was to have a girlfriend like her. I happened to come across this post at work, and it was like a slap in the face. A harsh reality check.

So now that I’ve “unfollowed” him so that I’ll no longer be surprised by such posts, I’ve come to some realizations.

1. I’m tired of being a place holder for guys. I was a place holder for my ex for 6 years, when he decided that he wants kids. He’s always known I don’t want kids. I feel like the last 6 years of my life were kind of a waste. And it seems I was a place holder for the other guy too. He said he would wait for me. He said that’s what true love is. But it seems he was just holding out hope that I could come to him, unless he found someone already there. Now we still talk as friends, and some days, it just kills me. But I don’t want to lose him as a friend.

2. I want to fall in love with a guy who thinks he’s the luckiest guy in the world to be with me. Is that too much to ask?

3. Being alone sucks. I would rather be with someone, like the guy I broke up with in August, who I don’t think I ever really loved, than not be with anyone at all. At least I had someone to share my life with. Now, I have no one.

4. Starting over again at 35 sucks. It only gets harder to find someone the older you get. I almost don’t want to even try. I won’t bother trying to date here in Hawaii, since I know I’m moving in a couple of months, to a currently unknown location. But I’m scared to death I’m just going to end up getting used again. And where am I supposed to find someone to date anyway? I’ve never had luck with dating sites. I don’t even know what the popular ones are these days. I’m not a bar person. Maybe I just won’t put any effort into it, and maybe the right person crosses my path one day before I die.

Make Grape Juice: Lessons I’ve Learned From Life

Life can be a bitch sometimes. Believe me, I’m well aware. I’m in the midst of not being where I expected to be in life. I’ve been doing some reminiscing lately with my BFF, and it has gotten me thinking about where life has taken me so far. I’ve decided to make a list of some of the different things I’ve done in life so far, and some of the lessons I’ve learned from life.

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Taking Minimalism to a Whole New Level

Now that the cats are settled in LA, I took the weekend to figure out what I still have, and what of that I want to keep. The poor beat up cat tree went to the dumpster with the litter box. As I was cleaning I found cat toys everywhere. Did my cats really need 50 toys? Probably not, but they are ask in a box now, to be sent to them in case they miss them.

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